So you’ve just bought a new laptop and you have no idea how to properly maintain it? Laptops are foreign to most people as they’re seen as unreliable and have simply not caught on as the standard due to pricing and overheating. They’re very popular though because of their portability, and use in schools and businesses. So how can you take good care of your new laptop? This article will provide a few tips to keep your laptop factory fresh.1. Keep Your Laptop Ventilated.
As said in the above paragraph, laptops are subject to overheating and if your processor is constantly being exposed to high level applications it will become very hot. It’s extremely important that you never block the fan, as laptops often only have one exit for air to leave from making them very prone to heat failure if that exit is blocked. It’s suggested to have a fan on nearby your laptop, or to buy a laptop cooler to reduce the strain your laptop feels from the heat.
2. Protect Your Screen.
Laptop LCD’s are very sensitive to being smudged, so try as hard as you can to not touch it with your fingers. It’s inevitable that you will touch your screen with your hands however, so just make sure when you’re going to wipe off the screen that you do it with a cloth and not your hand. It’s also important to remember that when you close your laptop you don’t want any items that could possibly damage the screen to remain inside. This includes pens, pencils and paper as they would be pressed against the screen
after it was closed and could possibly cause damage.
3. Avoid Beverages.
This seems like a very common sense tip, but it’s on here because of how common the problem really is. Laptop spills are not hated because they’re annoying to clean up, but because they can cause permanent damage to the components of your computer. Most of the components are stored under the area where the keyboard is, so when you spill a drink into the keyboard, they sop right into the components causing short circuits and possibly corrupting data.
4. Keep The Hard Drive Clean.
It’s not only important to keep the hardware clean, but it’s also important to keep the contents on the inside of your computer safe. It’s never a bad idea to run routine virus and spyware checks to ensure that your computer has not been slowed down or affected by a virus. Always make sure to turn your firewall on, and that you’re careful about which websites you visit and who you accept files form.
Much of the advice given in this article seems cliché, but you only hear a lot of this advice repeated constantly because it’s true. Just remember to be very careful with your laptop because laptops are often more expensive than your desktop, and are also prone to many more types of damage.
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